Class 11 Biology - Chapter Anatomy of Flowering Plants NCERT Solutions | What is periderm? How does periderm form

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11th Biology - Chapter Anatomy of Flowering Plants. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 11: what is periderm how does periderm formation take....
Question 11

What is periderm? How does periderm formation take place in dicot stem?


Periderm is composed of the phellogen, phellem, and phelloderm.

During secondary growth, the outer epidermal layer and the cortical layer are broken because of the cambium. To replace them, the cells of the cortex turn meristematic, giving rise to cork cambium or phellogen. It is composed of thin-walled, narrow and rectangular cells.

Phellogen cuts off cells on its either side. The cells cut off toward the outside give rise to the phellem or cork. The suberin deposits in its cell wall make it impervious to water. The inner cells give rise to the secondary cortex or phelloderm. The secondary cortex is parenchymatous.

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