What is contra entry? How can you deal this entry while preparing double column cash book?
Contra Entry : when cash is deposited into the bank or when cash is withdrawn from the bank for use in the office, each such transaction affects both ‘Cash Column’ as well as ‘Bank Column’ and the transaction is therefore recorded on both sides of the cash book. Such entries, the double entry of which is complete in the Cash Book itself, are called “Contra Entries”.
Some transactions that lead to contra entry are given below.
1. Opening a bank account
2. Depositing cash into bank
3. Withdrawal from bank
Total of these transactions is posted in purchase account :
(i) Purchase of furniture
(ii) Cash and credit purchase
(iii) Purchases return
(iv) Purchase of stationery
Briefly state how the cash book is both journal and a ledger.
State whether the following statements are True or False :
(a) Journal is a book of secondary entry.
(b) One debit account and more than one credit account in a entry is called compound entry.
(c) Assets sold on credit are entered in sales journal.
(d) Cash and credit purchases are entered in purchasejJournal.
(e) Cash sales are entered in sales journal.
(f) Cash book records transactions relating to receipts and payments.
(g) Ledger is a subsidiary book.
(h) Petty cash book is a book having record of big payments.
(i) Cash received is entered on the debit side of cash book.
(j) Transaction recorded both on debit and credit side of cash book is known as contra entry.
(k) Balancing of account means total of debit and credit side.
(l) Credit purchase of machine is entered in purchase journal.
Credit balance of bank account in cash book shows :
(i) Overdraft
(ii) Cash deposited in our bank
(iii) Cash withdrawn from bank
(iv) None of these
When a firm maintains a cash book, it need not maintain ;
(i) Journal Proper
(ii) Purchases (journal) book
(iii) Sales (journal) book
(iv) Bank and cash account in the ledger
The periodic total of sales return journal is posted to :
(i) Sales account
(ii) Goods account
(iii) Purchases return account
(iv) Sales return account
Double column cash book records:
(i) All transactions
(ii) Cash and bank transactions
(iii) Only cash transactions
(iv) Only credit transactions
Fill in the Correct Words :
(a) Cash book is a ......... journal.
(b) In Journal proper, only......... discount is recorded.
(c) Return of goods purchased on credit to the suppliers will be entered in ...... Journal.
(d) Assets sold on credit are entered in .........
(e) Double column cash book records transaction relating to ......... and .........
(f) Total of the debit side of cash book is ......... than the credit side.
(g) Cash book does not record the ......... transactions.
(h) In double column cash book ......... transactions are also recorded.
(i) Credit balance shown by a bank column in cash book is .........
(j) The amount paid to the petty cashier at the beginning of a period is known as ......... amount.
(k) In purchase book goods purchased on ......... are recorded.
Goods purchased on cash are recorded in the :
(i) Purchases (journal) book
(ii) Sales (journal) book
(iii) Cash book
(iv) Purchases return (journal) book
What is petty cash book? How it is prepared?
Name any two types of commonly used negotiable instruments.
Why is it necessary to record the adjusting entries in the preparation of final accounts?
State the meaning of incomplete records?
What is ‘Depreciation’?
State the meaning of a trial balance?
State the four basic requirements of a database applications.
Define accounting.
State the different elements of a computer system.
Why is it necessary for accountants to assume that business entity will remain a going concern?
State the need for the preparation of bank reconciliation statement?
Explain the errors of commission and give two examples with measures to rectify them.
Select Right Answer:
Voucher is prepared for:
(i) Cash received and paid
(ii) Cash/Credit sales
(iii) Cash/Credit purchase
(iv) All of the above
What are the steps taken by an accountant to locate the errors in the trial balance?
Tick the correct answer :
Incomplete record mechanism of book keeping is :
(a) Scientific (b) Unscientific
(c) Unsystematic (d) both (b) and (c)
Describe the various elements of a computer system and explain the distinctive features of a computer system and manual system.
Fill in the correct words :
1. The user oriented programmes designed and developed for performing certain specific tasks are called as ...........
2. Language syntax is checked by software called as ...........
3. The people who write programmes to implement the data processing system design are called as ...........
4. ........... is the brain of the computer.
5. ........... and ........... are two of the important requirements of an accounting report.
6. An example of responsibility report is ...........
What is meant by maturity of a bill of exchange?
If suspense account does not balance off even after rectification of errors it implies that:
(a) There are some one sided errors only in the books yet to be located.
(b) There are no more errors yet to be located.
(c) There are some two sided errors only yet to be located.
(d) There may be both one sided errors and two sided errors yet to be located.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) Passbook is a copy of.............as it appears in the ledger of the bank.
(ii) When money is with drawn from the bank, the bank ............. the account of the customer.
(iii) Normally, the cash book shows a debit balance, passbook shows .............balance.
(iv) Favourable balance as per the cash book means .............balance in the bank column of the cash book.
(v) If the cash book balance is taken as starting point the items which make the cash book balance smaller than the passbook must be .............for the purpose of reconciliation.
(vi) If the passbook shows a favourable balance and if it is taken as the starting point for the purpose of bank reconciliation statement then cheques issued but not presented for payment should be .............to find out cash balance.
(vii) When the cheques are not presented for payment, favourable balance as per the cash book is .............than that of the passbook.
(viii) When a banker collects the bills and credits the account passbook overdraft shows .............balance.
(ix) If the overdraft as per the passbook is taken as the starting point, the cheques issued but not presented are to be .............in the bank reconciliation statement.
(x) When the passbook balance is taken as the starting point items which makes the passbook balance .............than the balance in the cash book must be deducted for the purpose of reconciliation.
Describe the various types of accounting software along with their advantages and limitations.
What is contry entry ? How will you deal with this entry while preparing bank column cash book?