Class 12 Accountancy - Chapter Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm - Admission of a Partner NCERT Solutions |  Why there is need for the revaluat

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 12th Accountancy - Chapter Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm - Admission of a Partner. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 6: nbsp why there is need for the revaluation of ass....
Question 6

 Why there is need for the revaluation of assets and liabilities on the admission of a partner? 


When a new partner joins the firm, it is very important to revalue the assets and liabilities of the firm for asertaining its true and fair values.This is done because the value of assets and liability may have increased or decreased and consequently their corresponding figures in old balance sheet may either be understated or overstated.Moreever it may also be possible that some of assets and liabilites are left unrecorded.

Thus in order to record the increase and decrease in the market value of assets and liabilities,revaluation account is created and any profit or losses associated with this increase or decrease are distributed among the old partners of the firm.

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