Class 11 Accountancy - Chapter Introduction to Accounting NCERT Solutions | Distinguish between debtors and creditor

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11th Accountancy - Chapter Introduction to Accounting. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise ".$ex_no." , Question 9: distinguish between debtors and creditors....
Question 9

Distinguish between debtors and creditors.

Base Debtors Creditors
Meaning Persons or organisations that are liable to pay money to a firm are called debtors. Persons or organisations to whom the firm is liable to pay money are called creditors.
Nature They have debit balance to the firm. They have credit balance to the firm.


Payments are received from them.

Payments are made to them.

Shown They are shown as assets in the Balance sheet under Current Assets. They are shown as liabilities in the Balance Sheet under Current Liabilities.


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