Class 11 Accountancy - Chapter Applications of Computers in Accounting NCERT Solutions | ‘An accounting report is essential

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11th Accountancy - Chapter Applications of Computers in Accounting. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 2 , Question 3: lsquo an accounting report is essential a report....
Question 3

‘An accounting report is essential a report which must be able to fulfil certain basic criteria' Explain? List the various types of accounting reports.


When a data is processed properly than it becomes information and when such related information is summarized to meet a particular need, it is called a report. The content and design of the report is expected to vary depending upon the level to which it is submitted and decision to make on the basis of the report. A report must be effective and efficient to the user and should substantiate the decision making process. Every accounting report must be able to fulfill the following criterion:

(i) Relevance
(ii) Timeliness
(iii) Accuracy
(iv) Completeness
(v) Summarization

Type of Accounting reports:

The accounting reports generated by the accounting software may be either routine reports or on the specific requirements of the user. E.g. the ledger is a routine report while a report on supplies of a particular item by a given party is an on-demand report. However,from a broader perspective, the Accounting related MIS reports may be of following reports:

(i) Summary Reports: Summarizes all activities of the organisation and present in the form of summary reports like profit and loss account and balance Sheet.
(ii) Demand Reports: This reports will be prepared only when the management requests them, e.g, Bad Debts Report for a given product ,Stock Valuation Report.
(iii) Customer /Supplier Reports: According to the specifications of the management it will be prepared. e.g. Top 10 Customers reports , Interest on customer Account / Invoices, Statement of Account, Customer Reminder Letters Outstanding /Open Delivery Order ,Purchase Analysis ,Vendor Analysis Report.
(iv) Exception Reports: According to the conditions or exception the report is prepared. e.g. Inventory Report in short supplies ,Stock Status Query ,Over stocked Status ,etc.
(v) Responsibility Reports: The MIS structure specifies the premises of management responsibilities. e.g the report on Cash Position is to be submitted by the head of finance and Accounts Departments.

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