What is Accounting Information System?
Accounting Information System refers to the computer-based method used by the companies in order to collect, store and process the accounting and the financial data which is used by the internal users of the company in order to give report regarding various information to the stakeholders of the company such as creditors, investors, tax authorities, etc.
State the relationship between information and decision.
Explain, using examples, the relationship between the organisational MIS and the other functional information system in an organisation. Describe how AIS receives and provides information to other functional MIS.
List the distinctive advantages of a computer system over a manual system.
State the various essential features of an accounting report.
Draw block diagram showing the main components of a computer.
‘An organisation is a collection of interdependent decision-making units that exists to pursue organisational objectives’. In the light of this statement, explain the relationship between information and decisions. Also explain the role of the Transaction Processing System in facilitating the decision-making process in business organisations.
Fill in the correct words :
1. The user oriented programmes designed and developed for performing certain specific tasks are called as ...........
2. Language syntax is checked by software called as ...........
3. The people who write programmes to implement the data processing system design are called as ...........
4. ........... is the brain of the computer.
5. ........... and ........... are two of the important requirements of an accounting report.
6. An example of responsibility report is ...........
Describe the various elements of a computer system and explain the distinctive features of a computer system and manual system.
Name three components of a Transaction Processing System.
State the different elements of a computer system.
Name any two types of commonly used negotiable instruments.
Why is it necessary to record the adjusting entries in the preparation of final accounts?
State the meaning of incomplete records?
What is ‘Depreciation’?
Briefly state how the cash book is both journal and a ledger.
State the meaning of a trial balance?
State the four basic requirements of a database applications.
Define accounting.
Why is it necessary for accountants to assume that business entity will remain a going concern?
State the need for the preparation of bank reconciliation statement?
Briefly explain the term ‘favourable balance as per cash book’.
A bank reconciliation statement is prepared with the balance:
(a) Passbook (b) Cash book
(c) Both passbook and cash book (d) None of these
List any five users who have indirect interest in accounting.
Fill in the blanks:
1. Issued a cheque for ₹8,000 to pay rent. The account to be debited is ............
2. Collected ₹35,000 from debtors. The account to be credited is ............
3. Purchased office stationary for ₹18,000. The account to be credited is ...........
4. Purchased new machine for ₹1,70,000 and issued cheque for the same.
The account to be debited is ............
5. Issued cheque for ₹70,000 to pay off on of the creditors. The account to be debited is ............
6. Returned damaged office stationary and received ₹50,000. The account to be credited is ............
7. Provided services for ₹65,000 on credit. The account to be debited is ...........
What is Noting of a bill of exchange.
Unfavourable bank balance means:
(a) Credit balance in passbook (b) Credit balance in cash book
(c) Debit balance in cash book (d) None of these
Show the effect through Journal entries:
Credit sales to Mohan 10,000 were posted to his account as 12,000
This is an error of ..................................
The wrong effect has been:
The correct effect should have been:
The rectification entry will be.
You are a senior accountant of Ramona Enterprises Limited. What three steps would you take to make your company’s financial statements understandable and decision useful?
1. ——————————————————————————————
2. ——————————————————————————————
3. ——————————————————————————————
[Hint : Refer to qualitative characteristics of accounting information]
What is the purpose of contra entry?
‘Accounting software is an integral part of the computerised accounting system’ Explain. Briefly list the generic considerations before sourcing an accounting software.