Give three examples of a transaction processing system.
Transaction processing systems consist of computer hardware and software hosting a transaction-oriented application that performs the routine transactions necessary to conduct business.
Examples include systems that manage sales order entry, airline reservations, payroll, employee records, manufacturing, and shipping.
State the relationship between information and decision.
Explain, using examples, the relationship between the organisational MIS and the other functional information system in an organisation. Describe how AIS receives and provides information to other functional MIS.
List the distinctive advantages of a computer system over a manual system.
State the various essential features of an accounting report.
Draw block diagram showing the main components of a computer.
‘An organisation is a collection of interdependent decision-making units that exists to pursue organisational objectives’. In the light of this statement, explain the relationship between information and decisions. Also explain the role of the Transaction Processing System in facilitating the decision-making process in business organisations.
Describe the various elements of a computer system and explain the distinctive features of a computer system and manual system.
Fill in the correct words :
1. The user oriented programmes designed and developed for performing certain specific tasks are called as ...........
2. Language syntax is checked by software called as ...........
3. The people who write programmes to implement the data processing system design are called as ...........
4. ........... is the brain of the computer.
5. ........... and ........... are two of the important requirements of an accounting report.
6. An example of responsibility report is ...........
What is Accounting Information System?
Name three components of a Transaction Processing System.
Name any two types of commonly used negotiable instruments.
Why is it necessary to record the adjusting entries in the preparation of final accounts?
State the meaning of incomplete records?
What is ‘Depreciation’?
Briefly state how the cash book is both journal and a ledger.
State the meaning of a trial balance?
State the four basic requirements of a database applications.
Define accounting.
Why is it necessary for accountants to assume that business entity will remain a going concern?
State the need for the preparation of bank reconciliation statement?
Tick the correct answer :
Incomplete record mechanism of book keeping is :
(a) Scientific (b) Unscientific
(c) Unsystematic (d) both (b) and (c)
Journal entry to record salaries will include:
(a) Debit salaries Credit cash.
(b) Debit capital Credit cash.
(c) Debit cash Credit salary.
(d) Debit salary Credit creditors.
If wages paid for installation of new machinery is debited to wages Account, it is:
(a) An error of commission.
(b) An error of principle.
(c) A compensating error.
(d) An error of omission.
Unfavourable bank balance means:
(a) Credit balance in passbook (b) Credit balance in cash book
(c) Debit balance in cash book (d) None of these
Fill in the blanks:
(i) A bill of exchange is a __________ instrument.
(ii) A bill of exchange is drawn by the __________ upon his __________.
(iii) A promissory note is drawn by __________ in favour of his __________.
(iv) There are __________ parties to a bill of exchange.
(v) There are __________ parties to a promissory note.
(vi) Drawer and __________ can not be the same parties in case of a bill of exchange.
(vii) Bill of exchange in India languages is called __________.
(viii) __________ days of grace are added in terms of the bill to calculate the date of its __________.
Which of the following is not an error of principle:
(a) Purchase of furniture debited to purchases account.
(b) Repairs on the overhauling of second hand machinery purchased debited to repairs account.
(c) Cash received from Manoj posted to Saroj.
(d) Sale of old car credited to sales account.
Give four examples each of ‘provision’ and ‘reserves’.
What are ‘provisions’? How are they created? Give accounting treatment in case of provision for doubtful Debts.
Explain the double entry mechanism with an illustrative example.