State the meaning of incomplete records?
Accounting records which are not prepared according to the principles of double entry are known as ‘incomplete records’. In other words, any accounting records which fall short of complete double entry are called incomplete records. Sometimes, it is also termed as ‘Single Entry System’ Incomplete records refer to maintaining only those records which are essential.
Credit purchase, during the year is ascertained by preparing :
(a) Total creditors account (b) Total debtors account
(c) Cash account (d) Opening statement of affairs
What are the possible reasons for keeping incomplete records?
Explain how the following may be ascertained from incomplete records:
(a) Opening capital and closing capital
(b) Credit sales and credit purchases
(c) Payments to creditors and collection from debtors
(d) Closing balance of cash.
Distinguish between statement of affairs and balance sheet.
Tick the correct answer :
Incomplete record mechanism of book keeping is :
(a) Scientific (b) Unscientific
(c) Unsystematic (d) both (b) and (c)
Opening capital is ascertained by preparing :
(a) Total debtors account (b) Total creditors account
(c) Cash account (d) Opening statement of affairs
Write the correct word(s) :
1. Credit sales can be ascertained as the balancing figure in the .......... account.
2. Excess of .......... over ......... represents loss sustained during the period.
3. To ascertain the profit, closing capital is to be adjusted by deducting .......... and adding ..........
4. Incomplete records are generally used by ..........
If opening capital is Rs. 60,000, drawings Rs. 5,000, capital introduced during the period Rs. 10,000, closing capital Rs. 90,000. The value of profit earned during the period will be :
(a) Rs. 20,000 (b) Rs. 25,000
(c) Rs. 30,000 (d) Rs. 40,000
What is meant by a ‘statement of affairs’? How can the profit or loss of a trader be ascertained with the help of a statement of affairs?
‘Is it possible to prepare the profit and loss account and the balance sheet from the incomplete book of accounts kept by a trader’? Do you agree? Explain.
Name any two types of commonly used negotiable instruments.
Why is it necessary to record the adjusting entries in the preparation of final accounts?
What is ‘Depreciation’?
Briefly state how the cash book is both journal and a ledger.
State the meaning of a trial balance?
State the four basic requirements of a database applications.
Define accounting.
State the different elements of a computer system.
Why is it necessary for accountants to assume that business entity will remain a going concern?
State the need for the preparation of bank reconciliation statement?
What is a suspense account? Is it necessary that is suspense account will balance off after rectification of the errors detected by the accountant? If not, then what happens to the balance still remaining in the suspense account?
Database is implemented using ........
What are financial statements? What information do they provide.
Give two examples of errors of principle?
State the meaning of a trial balance?
Distinguish between debtors and creditors.
Which of the following is not an error of principle:
(a) Purchase of furniture debited to purchases account.
(b) Repairs on the overhauling of second hand machinery purchased debited to repairs account.
(c) Cash received from Manoj posted to Saroj.
(d) Sale of old car credited to sales account.
Depreciation written off on furniture 1,500 was not posted to depreciation account.
This is an error of ..................................
The wrong effect has been:
The correct effect should have been:
The rectification entry will be.
What is contra entry? How can you deal this entry while preparing double column cash book?
A Trial balance is prepared:
(a) After preparation financial statement.
(b) After recording transactions in subsidiary books.
(c) After posting to ledger is complete.
(d) After posting to ledger is complete and accounts have been balanced.