Explain the process of preparing income statement and balance sheet.
The process of preparing income statement is explained below
(i) First of all a Trial Balance is prepared on the basis of the balances of various
accounts in the ledger.
(ii) After that trading account is prepared by recording Opening Stock, Purchases, Manufacturing Expenses and other direct expenses on the debit side.
(iii) On the other hand sales and closing stock is recorded on the credit side of the trading account.
(iv) After that the balancing figure of trading account is determined by totalling
both the sides, if the credit side exceeds the debit side, then the balancing figure
is termed as gross profit, but if the debit side exceeds the credit side, then the
balancing figure is termed as gross loss.
(v) Carry forward the Gross Profit (Gross Loss) to the credit (debit) side of the
Profit and Loss Account.
(vi) After that all the operating and non-operating revenue expenditures with
their relevant adjustments are recorded on the debit side of the profit and loss
account. Record all current year’s operating and non operating revenue incomes
with their relevant adjustments on the credit side of the profit and loss account.
(vii) Ascertain the balancing figure by totalling both the sides of the profit and
loss* account. If the credit exceeds the debit side, then the balancing figure is
termed as net profit, but if the debit side exceeds the credit side, then the
balancing figure is termed as net loss. The process of preparing Balance Sheet is given below
(i) First of all match the total of both the side of trail balance. If there is any
difference in the debit side of trail balance it will be posted in assets side of
balance sheet and if there is any difference in credit side of balance sheet it will
be posted in the liabilities side of the balance sheet.
(ii) Record all the debit balances of real and personal accounts on the left hand
side (i.e., Assets side) of the balance sheet after making all adjustments for
provision and other related items.
(iii) Record all the credit balances of real and personal accounts on the right hand side (i.e., Liabilities side) of the balance sheet after making all adjustments for interest and outstanding items.
(iv) Add Net Profit to the opening capital and deduct Net Loss, if any from the opening capital.
(v) Acertain the total of two sides, which must be equal.
How will you disclose the following items in the Balance Sheet of a company;
(i) Loose tools
(ii) Uncalled liability on partly paid-up shares
(iii) Debentures redemption reserve
(iv) Mastheads and publishing titles (v) 10% debentures
(vi) Proposed dividend
(vii) Share forfeited account
(viii) Capital redemtion reserve
(ix) Mining rights
(x) Work-in-progress
State the importance of financial statements to
(i) shareholders
(ii) creditors
(iii) government
(iv) investors
Prepare the format of balance sheet and explain the various elements of balance sheet.
Prepare the format of statement of profit and loss and explain its items.
Explain how financial statements are useful to the various parties who are interested in the affairs of an undertaking?
List any three objectives of analysing financial statements?
State the meaning of financial statement analysis?
Explain the limitations of financial statements.
Explain the nature of the financial statements.
‘Financial statements reflect a combination of recorded facts, accounting
conventions and personal judgements’ discuss.
What do you mean by Ratio Analysis?
List the techniques of Financial Statement Analysis.
What does a Bearer Debenture mean?
What are various types of ratios?
Distinguish between Vertical and Horizontal Analysis of financial data.
State the meaning of ‘Debentures issued as a collateral security’.
What relationships will be established to study?
(a) Inventory Turnover (b) Debtor Turnover
(c) Payables Turnover (d) Working Capital Turnover
State the meaning of Analysis and Interpretation.
What is meant by ‘Issue of debentures for consideration other than cash’?
What is meant by ‘Mortgaged Debentures’?
How would you study the Solvency position of the firm?
What do you mean by Ratio Analysis?
What is discount on issue of debentures?
Can a company purchase its own debentures in the open market? Explain.
What are important profitability ratios? How are these worked out?
Describe the steps for creating Sinking Fund for redemption of debentures.
Name the head under which ‘discount on issue of debentures’ appears in the balance sheet of a company.
Describe the meaning of ‘Debenture Issued as Collateral Securities’. What accounting treatment is given to the issue of debentures in the books of accounts?
What do you understand by analysis and interpretation of financial statements? Discuss its importance.