Explain the nature of the financial statements.
Financial statements are the summarised reports of recorded-facts and are
prepared following the accounting concepts, conventions and requirements of
Law. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants states the nature of financial statements as, “the statements prepared for the purpose of presenting a periodical review of report on progress by the management and deal with the
status of investment in the business and the results achieved during the period
under review. The following points explain the nature of financial statements.
(i) Recorded Facts :Financial statements are prepared on the basis of facts in the form of cost data recorded in accounting books. The original cost or historical cost is the basis of recording transactions. The figures of various accounts such as cash in hand, cash at bank, bills receivable, sundry debtors, fixed assets, etc are taken as per the figures recorded in the accounting books. The assets purchased at different times and at different prices are put together and shown at costs. As these are not based on market prices, the financial statements do not show current financial condition of the concern.
(ii) Accounting Conventions: Certain accounting conventions are followed while
preparing financial statements. The convention of valuing inventory at cost or
market price, whichever is lower, is followed. The valuing of assets at cost less
depreciation principle for balance sheet purposes is followed. • The convention of materiality is followed in dealing with small items like penci’s, pens, postage
stamps, etc. In this way the use of accounting conventions makes financial statements comparable, simple and realistic.
(iii) Based on Concepts: Financial statements are prepared on certain basic
assumptions (prerequisites) known as Concepts such as going concern concept,
money measurement concept, realisation concept, etc. Going concern concept
assumes that the enterprise is treated as a going concern and exists for a longer
period of time. So the assets are shown on historical cost basis. Money measurement concept assumes that the value of money will remain the same in
different periods. While, preparing profit and loss account the revenue is included in the sales of the year in which the sale was undertaken even though the sale price may be received over a number of years. The assumption is known as realisation concept.
(iv) Personal Judgements: Under more than one circumstance, facts and figures
presented through financial statements are based on personal opinion, estimates and judgements. The depreciation is provided taking into consideration the useful economic life of fixed assets. Provisions for doubtful debts are made on estimates and personal judgments. In valuing inventory, cost or market value, whichever is less is being followed.
How will you disclose the following items in the Balance Sheet of a company;
(i) Loose tools
(ii) Uncalled liability on partly paid-up shares
(iii) Debentures redemption reserve
(iv) Mastheads and publishing titles (v) 10% debentures
(vi) Proposed dividend
(vii) Share forfeited account
(viii) Capital redemtion reserve
(ix) Mining rights
(x) Work-in-progress
State the importance of financial statements to
(i) shareholders
(ii) creditors
(iii) government
(iv) investors
Prepare the format of balance sheet and explain the various elements of balance sheet.
Prepare the format of statement of profit and loss and explain its items.
Explain how financial statements are useful to the various parties who are interested in the affairs of an undertaking?
Explain the process of preparing income statement and balance sheet.
List any three objectives of analysing financial statements?
State the meaning of financial statement analysis?
Explain the limitations of financial statements.
‘Financial statements reflect a combination of recorded facts, accounting
conventions and personal judgements’ discuss.
What do you mean by Ratio Analysis?
List the techniques of Financial Statement Analysis.
What does a Bearer Debenture mean?
What are various types of ratios?
Distinguish between Vertical and Horizontal Analysis of financial data.
State the meaning of ‘Debentures issued as a collateral security’.
What relationships will be established to study?
(a) Inventory Turnover (b) Debtor Turnover
(c) Payables Turnover (d) Working Capital Turnover
State the meaning of Analysis and Interpretation.
What is meant by ‘Issue of debentures for consideration other than cash’?
What does a Bearer Debenture mean?
What are Comparative Financial Statements?
What do you mean by Common Size Statements?
State the meaning of ‘Debentures issued as a collateral security’.
Name the head under which ‘discount on issue of debentures’ appears in the balance sheet of a company.
Can the company purchase its own debentures?
What are various types of ratios?
What is ‘Capital Reserve’?
How would you deal with ‘Premium on Redemption of Debentures?
What is meant by conversion of debentures? Describe the method of such a conversion.