The liquidity of a business firm is measured by its ability to satisfy itslong-
term obligations as they become due. What are the ratios used forthis purpose?
Yes it is true that the liquidity of a business firm is measured by its ability to pay its long term obligations as they become due. Here the long term obligation means payments of principal amount on the due date and payments of interests on the regular basis. For measuring the long term solvency of any business we calculate the following ratios.
Debt Equity Ratio: Debt equity ratio indicates the relationship between the
external equities or outsiders funds and the internal equities or shareholders
funds. It is also known as external internal equity ratio. It is determined to ascertain soundness of the long term financial policies of the company. Following formula is used to calculate debt to equity ratio.
Debt Equity Ratio = External Equities.
Shareholders funds
Proprietory Ratio/Total Assets to Debt Ratio: Total assets to Debt Ratio or
Proprietory Ratio are a variant of the debt equity ratio. It is also known as equity
ratio or net worth to total assets ratio. This ratio relates the shareholder’s funds
to total assets. Proprietory / Equity ratio indicates the long-term or future
solvency position of the business. Formula of
Proprietory or Equity Ratio = Shareholders funds
Total Assets
Proprietory/Equity Ratio Interest Coverage Ratio: This ratio deals only with
servicing of return on loan as interest. This ratio depicts the relationship between
amount of profit utilise for paying interest and amount of interest payable. A high
Interest Coverage Ratio implies that the company can easily meet all its interest
obligations out of its profit.
Interest Coverage Ratio = Net Profit before interest and tax
Interest on Long Term loans
The current ratio provides a better measure of overall liquidity only when a
firm’s inventory cannot easily be converted into cash. If inventory is liquid, the
quick ratio is a preferred measure of overall liquidity. Explain.
What relationships will be established to study?
(a) Inventory Turnover (b) Debtor Turnover
(c) Payables Turnover (d) Working Capital Turnover
What are liquidity ratios? Discuss the importance of current and liquid ratio.
What are various types of ratios?
What do you mean by Ratio Analysis?
How would you study the Solvency position of the firm?
The average age of inventory is viewed as the average length of time inventory is held by the firm or as the average number of days’ sales in inventory. Why?
What are important profitability ratios? How are these worked out?
List the techniques of Financial Statement Analysis.
State the meaning of financial statement analysis?
What does a Bearer Debenture mean?
Distinguish between Vertical and Horizontal Analysis of financial data.
What are limitations of financial statement analysis?
State the meaning of ‘Debentures issued as a collateral security’.
State the meaning of Analysis and Interpretation.
List any three objectives of analysing financial statements?
What is meant by ‘Issue of debentures for consideration other than cash’?
Explain the nature of the financial statements.
State the importance of financial statements to
(i) shareholders
(ii) creditors
(iii) government
(iv) investors
How will you disclose the following items in the Balance Sheet of a company;
(i) Loose tools
(ii) Uncalled liability on partly paid-up shares
(iii) Debentures redemption reserve
(iv) Mastheads and publishing titles (v) 10% debentures
(vi) Proposed dividend
(vii) Share forfeited account
(viii) Capital redemtion reserve
(ix) Mining rights
(x) Work-in-progress
What is ‘Capital Reserve’?
Explain in detail about the significance of the financial statements.
What do you understand by analysis and interpretation of financial statements? Discuss its importance.
What is meant by conversion of debentures? Describe the method of such a conversion.
How debentures are different from shares? Give two points.
Explain the usefulness of trend percentages in interpretation of financial performance of a company.