A Thing of Beauty Question Answers: NCERT Class 12 English - Flamingo - Poetry
Welcome to the Chapter 4 - A Thing of Beauty, Class 12 English - Flamingo - Poetry - NCERT Solutions page. Here, we provide detailed question answers for Chapter 4 - A Thing of Beauty.The page is designed to help students gain a thorough understanding of the concepts related to natural resources, their classification, and sustainable development.
Our solutions explain each answer in a simple and comprehensive way, making it easier for students to grasp key topics and excel in their exams. By going through these A Thing of Beauty question answers, you can strengthen your foundation and improve your performance in Class 12 English - Flamingo - Poetry. Whether you're revising or preparing for tests, this chapter-wise guide will serve as an invaluable resource.
A thing of beauty can be anything which gives us everlasting joy. In the stanza 1, Poet says a thing of beauty is a joy which gives us pleasure and its loveliness increases and gives us an everlasting joy, and never passes into nothingness that means it will never leave us. And then he says a bower quiet for us means that a thing of beauty is a just like a shed of a tree which provides us inner peace and helps to get a sweet sleep and dreams, and will keep our health good. In the stanza2, in spite of despondence or disappointments there is lack of good people or noble natures which helps us without being selfish and there are some gloomy days or bad days which makes us unhealthy and in the hurry of achieving our goal we takes darkened ways or wrong ways and yes in spite of all these bad things, a thing of beauty takes away all these sadness and dark spirits. In the stanza 3, poet says that the sun, the moon, old and new trees, provides shades for sheep and considered them a thing of beauty. And such are daffodils (flowers) which lives in the green world, and the small and clear water streams makes their own shelter, rills or ways which helps them to not let them evaporate in the hot season are considered as a thing of beauty. In the stanza 4, all the lovely tales of mighty deaths we have heard or read, is a thing of beauty which is just like a endless fountain of immortal drink which pours a happiness in our life and make life like a heaven.
Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 98 )
Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 99 )
Q1 |
List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem. |
Ans: |
There are many things of beauty are mentioned in the poem such as: sun and the moon, sheep, old and new trees, daffodils, green world, roses, clear streams, deeds of our noble ancestors’ tales that we have heard. |
Q2 |
List the things that cause suffering and pain. |
Ans: |
The dark spirits of our life, unfortunate state of affairs or circumstances, gloomy days, bad health and the death of noble ancestors are the things that cause suffering and pain. |
Q3 |
What does the line, ‘Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth’ suggest to you? |
Ans: |
By this line poet says that things of beauty bind us and connects us to the earth. Therefore we should not disturb the balance of nature or shouldn’t harm nature and should keep a friendship relation with the earth. Poet explains that this world is full of negativity which leads us in depression, pain; therefore we should once connect us to the nature and experience its beauty which will fill our live with joy. |
Q4 |
What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings? |
Ans: |
Due to natural and beautiful things present in our lives helps us to love our life in spite of troubles and sufferings. These beautiful and natural things us a healing power which helps us to forget all our sadness and sorrows and makes ourselves more loving and happier towards our lives. |
Q5 |
Why is ‘grandeur’ associated with the ‘mighty dead’? |
Ans: |
Here grandeur refers to the good deeds of our noble people. The ‘mighty dead’ are the warriors who have sacrificed their lives for our nation and left a legacy and bravery acts which inspire us all the time. |
Q6 |
Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments or do they make a lasting impression on us? |
Ans: |
In the poem, poet believes that whenever a beautiful and happier thing happens in our lives it gives a temporary joy but it lefts a long lasting impression in our lives which inspires us to live our life with joy and optimism. |
Q7 |
What image does the poet use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth? |
Ans: |
The poet used the image of ‘an endless fountain of immortal drink’ to explain the beautiful bounty of the earth. The earth consists of sun and moon, beautiful fountains, flowers, rivers makes the earth beautiful and joyful for all the creatures. And we are so fortunate to access these glorious and beautiful things of beauty. |
Key Features of NCERT Class 12 English - Flamingo - Poetry Chapter 'A Thing of Beauty' question answers :
- All chapter question answers with detailed explanations.
- Simple language for easy comprehension.
- Aligned with the latest NCERT guidelines.
- Perfect for exam preparation and revision.
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