Q1 Name any two types of commonly used negotiable instruments.
Ans: (i) Bills of Exchange
(ii) Promissory NoteQ2 Write two points of distinction between bills of exchange and promissory note.
Ans: Bills of Exchange
a. There may be three parties to it, the drawer, the acceptor and the payee.
b. There is no need of fixing the stamps on the bills payable on demand but otherwise stamps would be necessary.Promissory Note
a. There are only two parties to it - the maker who draws the note and signs it and the payee to whom the amount is payable.
b. Stamps have to be fixed in any case.Q3 State any four essential features of bill of exchange.
Ans: - A bill of exchange must be in writing.
- It must contain an order and not request to make payment.
- It must be signed by the acceptor (drawee).
- It must be signed by the maker (drawer) of the bill.
Q4 State the three parties involved in a bill of exchange.
Ans: - Drawer: He is seller or creditor entitled to receive money from someone. He writes or draws the bill and is known As drawer. The bill of exchange is signed by the drawer of the bill.
- Drawer or Acceptor: He is the purchaser or the debtor on whom the bill is drawn and who is liable to pay the amount mentioned in the bill. He accepts to pay the amount by writing the word “Accepted” on the bill and then signs it. A bill is called a draft before it is accepted.
- Payee: The person to whom the payment is to be made is called payee. The drawer himself or a third party may be the payee of the bill.
Q5 What is meant by maturity of a bill of exchange?
Ans: The date on which the payment of bill becomes due is called the due date or date of maturity. In other words, the date on which the duration of the bill comes to an end is called the due date.
Q6 What is meant by dishonour of a bill of exchange?
Ans: When the acceptor of the bill refuses to pay the amount of the bill on the date of maturity or becomes insolvent, it is called dishonour of the bill of exchange.
Q7 Name the parties to a promissory note.
Ans: - Maker: He is the person who writes a promissory note and signs it. In the above specimen form of the Promissory Note, Gopal Krishan Yadav is the maker.
- Payee: He is the person who is entitled to get the payment. There is no acceptor in case of a promissory note because the maker himself is liable to pay the amount.
Q8 What is meant by acceptance of a bill of exchange?
Ans: Acceptance of bill of exchange is an act by which drawee accepts the drawer’s bill of exchange by signing under the words ‘accepted’ on face of the bill. It is the drawee’s signed engagement to honor the bill as presented.
Q9 What is Noting of a bill of exchange.
Ans: To establish the fact that the bill was properly presented and dishonoured , the bill is usually handed over to a person called ‘Notary Public’, appointed by the court. The notary public again presents the dishonoured bill to the acceptor for payment and if the acceptor still refuses to make the payment , the Notary Public notes down the fact of dishonour on the bill itself. Such an act of Notary Public is called ‘Noting’.
Q10 What is meant by renewal of a bill of exchange?
Ans: Sometimes, the acceptor of a bill finds himself unable to meet the bill on the due date. In such a case, he may request the holder of the bill to cancel the original bill and draw a new bill in place of the old one. If the holder agrees, a new bill will be drawn either for the full amount of the old bill or for the balance Amount in case of patiala payment by the acceptor. In such a case, the drawer normally charges interest for the period of the new bill. The interest may be paid in cash or as is more common, may be added in the amount of the new bill.
Q11 Give the performa of a Bills Receivable Book.
Ans: Date: In this column, the date of the acceptance of the bill is recorded.
From whom received: In this column, the name of the debtor, who has accepted the bill and promised to make its payment, is recorded. The bill legally comes into existence after its acceptance.
Term or period: The bill is drawn for a specified period. This period may be one month, two months, three months, etc. or even 60 days, 90 days, 120 days, etc. Period of the bill for which the bill has been drawn is mentioned here.
Due date: Due date is the date on which the payment of the bill is actually due. It is also known as the date of maturity. In order to calculate the due date, three days of grace is added to the term of the bill.
Ledger Folio (L.F.): This column contains the page number of the ledger in which the account of the acceptor of the bill appears.
Amount of the bill: The actual amount of the bill is recorded in this column.
Remark: This column contains the details of disposal of the bill, whether the bill has been discounted or endorsed, honoured or dishonoured etc.
Q12 Give the performa of a Bills Payable Book.
Ans: Bills payable book is used to record bills accepted by us. When a bill drawn by our creditor is accepted particulars of the same are recorded in this book.
1) Date of acceptance of the bill
2) To whom acceptance of bill is given
3) Term of the bill
4) Due date of the bill
5) ledger folio
6) Amount of the bill
7) RemarkQ13 What is retirement of a bill of exchange?
Ans: When the drawee of the bill has funds at his disposal and makes a request to the drawer or holder to accept the payment of the bill before its maturity with some discount. If the holder agrees to do so, this is called the retirement of the bill of exchange.
Q14 Give the meaning of rebate.
Ans: A rebate is a payment back to a buyer of a portion of the full purchase price of a good or service. This payment is typically triggered by the cumulative amount of purchases made within a certain period of time.
The rebate is not paid until 10,000 units have been ordered by and shipped to the buyer.
Q15 Give the performa of a Bill of Exchange.
Ans: Drawer : Abhijit Patil, Vikram nagar, Patna
Drawee : Tejas Kapare, Kothrud, Pune
Payee : Amey Patki, Nagpur
Amount : Rs. 7500
Period : 60 days
Term : After sight
Date of Bill Drawn : 1st June 2006
Date of Acceptance : 11th June 2006
Accepted bill for Rs. : 7000 only