Class 10 Social Science - Understanding Economic Development - Chapter Globalisation and the Indian Economy NCERT Solutions | “The impact of globalisation has n

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Social Science - Understanding Economic Development - Chapter Globalisation and the Indian Economy. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 6: ldquo the impact of globalisation has not been un....
Question 6

“The impact of globalisation has not been uniform.” Explain this statement.


The impact of globalization has not uniform because it has benefitted only the
rich and developed countries. The developing countries are only a sources of setting industries and getting cheaper labour and the entire profits are earned by
the developed countries. Many small manufactures with low capital have not been able to withstand the competition from the large MNCs. Workers are now
employed flexibility in the face of growing competition. This has reduced their job security.

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