Class 10 Social Science - Understanding Economic Development - Chapter Consumer Rights NCERT Solutions | Why are rules and regulations required i

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Social Science - Understanding Economic Development - Chapter Consumer Rights. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 1: why are rules and regulations required in the mark....
Question 1

Why are rules and regulations required in the marketplace? Illustrate with a few examples.


Rules and regulations are required in the marketplace to protect consumers from exploitation. Seller tries to shift all the responsibility on to the buyer. Whenever, a consumer complains against the goods or services for the bad quality or
quality sellers deny of any fraud and try to shifts all the responsibility on to the buyers. The seller tend to hold no responsibility for the goods once sold. For example, a grocery shop owner might sell expired products and then blame the customer for not checking the date of expiry before buying the items. Hence, rules and regulations are needed to safeguard the interest and rights of consumers in the marketplace.

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