Class 6 Social Science - Social and Political Life - Chapter Panchayati Raj NCERT Solutions | Take an example of any one task don

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Social Science - Social and Political Life - Chapter Panchayati Raj. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 4: take nbsp an example of any one task done by a pan....
Question 4

Take an example of any one task done by a Panchayat in your area/nearby rural area and find out the following:

a. Why it was taken up.
b. Where the money came from.
c. Whether or not the work has been completed.


The task performed by the Gram Panchayat includes the construction and maintenance of water sources, roads, drainage, school building and other common property resources.

(a) It was taken up because the school buildings were not giving a good impact, it was being dirty, the roads were not in good condition and the water tanks were being very dirty.
(b) The governments gives a budget in which the roads, buildings, drains etc. are built.
(c) Yes, the work of roads have been completed, drains are also painted and the water tanks are also been cleaned.

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