Class 7 Social Science - Social and Political Life (Civics) - Chapter Markets Around Us NCERT Solutions | ‘All persons have equal rights to

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7th Social Science - Social and Political Life (Civics) - Chapter Markets Around Us. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 4: lsquo all persons have equal rights to visit any....
Question 4

‘All persons have equal rights to visit any shop in a marketplace.’ Do you think this is true of shops with expensive products? Explain with examples.


 It is correct that all persons have equal rights to visit any shop in the market place. It's not true for shops with costlier products. For which following reasons are stated below: People with higher incomes can buy costlier products. Hence, these people go to the shops with luxury goods and not the people with lower income. The low-income people purchase goods from shops and weekly markets, as they are available at lower rates.Examples: People with high income purchases green vegetables from multiplexes while poor people purchase green vegetables from vegetable sellers. 


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