Class 7 Social Science - Social and Political Life (Civics) - Chapter A Shirt in the Market NCERT Solutions | Arrange the statements given alongside i

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7th Social Science - Social and Political Life (Civics) - Chapter A Shirt in the Market. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 4: arrange the statements given alongside in the corr....
Question 4

Arrange the statements given alongside in the correct order and then fill in the numbers in the cotton bolls accordingly. The first two have already been done for you.


1. Swapna sells the cotton to the trader.

3. Trader sells cotton to the Ginning Mill.

9. Ginning mill cleans the cotton and makes it into bales.

7. Spinning mill buys the cotton and sells yam to the yarn dealers.

5. Yarn dealers or merchants give the yarn to the weavers.

8. Weavers return with the cloth.

4. Garment exporters buy the cloth from merchants for making shirts.

6. The exporter sells shirts to the businessperson from the USA.

2. Customers buy these shirts in a supermarket.




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