Class 7 Social Science - Our Past-2 (History) - Chapter Tribes, Nomads and Settled Comminities NCERT Solutions | What kinds of exchanges took place betwe

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7th Social Science - Our Past-2 (History) - Chapter Tribes, Nomads and Settled Comminities. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 4: what kinds of exchanges took place between nomadic....
Question 4

What kinds of exchanges took place between nomadic pastoralists and settled agriculturists?


The following kinds of exchange took place between nomadic pastoralists and settled agriculturists that are given below:
- They exchange milk other pastoral products like wool, ghee, etc.
- Agriculturists gave them grains, clothes, utensils and other products etc.

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