Class 7 Social Science - Our Past-2 (History) - Chapter Tracing Changes Through a Thousand Years NCERT Solutions | How do historians divide the past into p

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7th Social Science - Our Past-2 (History) - Chapter Tracing Changes Through a Thousand Years. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 10: how do historians divide the past into periods do....
Question 10

How do historians divide the past into periods? Do they face any problems in doing so?


Historians splits the past into different periods on the basis of continuity as well as economic and social factors to featurise the major elements of various different moments of the past. This continuity is based on- coins, inscriptions, architecture , textual records etc.
- The historians faced various problems because time itself reflects changes in the social and economic, organization, in the persistence and transformation of ideas and beliefs too.
- Therefore, describing the entire period as one historical unit is not without having any problems.
- Modernity also carries a sense of material progress and intellectual advancement. But they had to face the troubles in doing so as discontinuity did exist. Textual records increased heavily.

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