How important was the income from land revenue to the stability of the Mughal Empire?
The income from the revenue of land was the linchpin of the mughal empire’s economic system.
- It was the main and most important sources of income, money. Thus, collection was invested on building forts, ward and for the welfare of subjects.
- It was so important that the proper calculation of land revenue. Todar mal took almost ten years to carry out detailed research in accounts of land revenue.
Why did the Mughals emphasise their Timurid and not their Mongol descent?
What were the central provinces under the control of the Mughals?
Match the following:
mansab Marwar
Mongol governor
Sisodiya Rajput Uzbeg
Rathor Rajput Mewar
Nur Jahan rank
subadar Jahangir
Why was it important for the Mughals to recruit mansabdars from diverse backgrounds and not just Turanis and Iranis?
What was the role of the zamindar in Mughal administration?
How were the debates with religious scholars important in the formation of Akbar’s ideas on governance?
Peasants were vital for the economy of the Mughal Empire. Do you think that they are as important today? Has the gap in the income between the rich and the poor in India changed a great deal from the period of the Mughals?
Like the Mughal Empire, India today is also made up of many social and cultural units. Does this pose a challenge to national integration?
What was the relationship between the mansabdar and the jagir?
Fill in the blanks:
(a) The capital of Mirza Hakim, Akbar’s half-brother, was ____________.
(b) The five Deccan Sultanates were Berar, Khandesh, Ahmadnagar, ____________ and _________________.
(c) If zat determined a mansabdar’s rank and salary, sawar indicated his ____________ .
(d) Abul Fazl, Akbar’s friend and counsellor, helped him frame the idea of ____________ so that he could govern a society composed of many religions, cultures and castes.
Who was considered a “foreigner” in the past?
Match the following:
Gurjara-Pratiharas Western Deccan
Rashtrakutas Bengal
Palas Gujarat and Rajasthan
Cholas Tamil Nadu
Which ruler first established his or her capital at Delhi?
How is the “trabeate” principle of architecture different from the “arcuate”?
Fill in the blanks:
(a) The Rajarajeshvara temple was built in ———.
(b) Ajmer is associated with the Sufi saint ————.
(c) Hampi was the capital of the ———— Empire.
(d) The Dutch established a settlement at ———— in Andhra Pradesh.
Match the following:
garh khel
tanda chaurasi
labourer caravan
clan Garha Katanga
Sib Singh Ahom state
Durgawati paik
The Buddha namghar
Shankaradeva worship of Vishnu
Nizamuddin Auliya questioned social differences
Nayanars Sufi saint
Alvars worship of Shiva
Anantavarman Kerala
Jagannatha Bengal
Mahodayapuram Orissa
Lilatilakam Kangra
Mangalakavya Puri
Miniature Kerala
Match the following:
subadar a revenue farmer
faujdar a high noble
ijaradar provincial governor
misl Maratha peasant warriors
chauth a Mughal military commander
kunbis a band of Sikh warriors
umara tax levied by the Marathas
State whether true or false:
(a) We do not find inscriptions for the period after 700.
(b) The Marathas asserted their political importance during this period.
(c) Forest-dwellers were sometimes pushed out of their lands with the spread of agricultural settlements.
(d) Sultan Ghiyasuddin Balban controlled Assam, Manipur and Kashmir.
The Buddha namghar
Shankaradeva worship of Vishnu
Nizamuddin Auliya questioned social differences
Nayanars Sufi saint
Alvars worship of Shiva
Do you think merchants and bankers today have the kind of influence they had in the eighteenth century?
Who lived in the “Black Towns” in cities such as Madras?
What is a shikhara?
Why did the Marathas want to expand beyond the Deccan?
Raziyya Sultan was unique in the history of the Delhi Sultanate. Do you think women leaders are accepted more readily today?
Fill in the blanks:
(a) The new castes emerging within varnas were called ____________.
(b) _____________ were historical works written by the Ahoms.
(c) The ____________ mentions that Garha Katanga had 70,000 villages.
(d) As tribal states became bigger and stronger, they gave land grants to _________ and ________.
What are the important architectural features of the temples of Bengal ?
Why did conquerors try to control the temple of Jagannatha at Puri?
How did tribal societies change after being organised into a state?