Class 6 Social Science - History Our Past - Chapter New Empires and Kingdoms NCERT Solutions | What changes do you find in the army at

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Social Science - History Our Past - Chapter New Empires and Kingdoms. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 3: what changes do you find in the army at this time....
Question 3

What changes do you find in the army at this time?


Like earlier rulers, some such type of kings conserved a well-organized army with elephants, chariots, cavalry and foot soldiers etc. Besides these, there were military leaders who provided the king with troops whenever he required them. They were not paid on regular basis salaries. Instead some of them received grants of land. They collected some income from the land and used this to maintain soldiers hand horses, and provided equipment for the warfare. These men were called as samantas. Whenever the ruler becomes week, samantas tried to become independent.

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