Class 6 Social Science - History Our Past - Chapter Kingdoms, King and an Early Republic NCERT Solutions | In what ways are present-day elections d

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Social Science - History Our Past - Chapter Kingdoms, King and an Early Republic. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 5: in what ways are present day elections different f....
Question 5

In what ways are present-day elections different from the ways in which rulers were chosen in janapadas?


Earlier rulers were being chosen after showing his supremacy, for that they had to perform ashwadeha yajna which is a prayer where the sacrifices are made in the fire so that other rajas in mahajanapadas accept his supremacy and in this way rulers were chosen. In recent days, rulers are chosen by popular elections.

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