In what ways do pressure groups and movements exert influence on politics?
Pressure groups and movements makes influence on politics :
1) Information campaigns, organizing meetings, file petitions: Pressure groups carries out information campaigns, organize meetings, and file petitions to get public attention and gain support for their activities.
2) Media: They takes help from the media to reach number of people through news channels and to gain maximum support.
3) Strikes: Pressure groups exert influence by strikes and hunger strikes. This is a non violent way which was a great effect on politics. The government is, thus, pressurized to pay attention on their demand.
4) Advertisements and hoardings: Pressure groups and movements put up advertisements and boards everywhere so that people knows about their activities.
5) Lobbying and participation in official meetings: Business groups usually employ professional lobbyists. Few persons from the movement participate in the official meetings and advice to the government.
6) Take a political stance on major issues: Interest groups and movements do not directly involve in party politics but try to influence by taking a political stand on different matters. They have their own political thinking and political position on main issues.
Match List I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I List II
(i) Pressure group A. Narmada Bachao Andolan
(ii) Long-term movement B. Asom Gana Parishad
(iii) Single issue movement C. Women’s movement
(iv) Political party D. Fertiliser dealers, association
(a) D C A B
(b) B A D C
(c) C D B A
(d) B D C A
What is the difference between a pressure group and a political party?
Explain how the activities of pressure groups are useful in the functioning of a democratic government.
Match List I (organisations and struggles) with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List I List II
1. Organisations that seek to promote A. Movement the interests of a particular section or group
2. Organisations that seek to promote B. Political parties common interest
3. Struggles launched for the resolution C. Sectional interest of a social problem with or without groups an organisational structure
4. Organisations that mobilise people D. Public interest with a view to win political power groups
(a) C D B A
(b) C D A B
(c) D C B A
(d) B C D A
Describe the forms of relationship between pressure groups and political parties?
Which among the following is the special feature that distinguishes a pressure group from a political party?
(a) Parties take political stances, while pressure groups do not bother about political issues.
(b) Pressure groups are confined to a few people, while parties involve larger number of people.
(c) Pressure groups do not seek to get into power, while political parties do.
(d) Pressure groups do not seek to mobilise people, while parties do.
Organisations that undertake activities to promote the interests of specific social sections such as workers, employees, teachers, and lawyers are called _____________________ groups.
What is a pressure group? Give a few examples.
State the various functions political parties perform in a democracy.
How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government?
Writing your own definition of a good democracy.
What are the different forms of power-sharing in modern democracies? Give an example of each of these.
Locate the following States on a blank outline political map of India:
Manipur, Sikkim, Chhattisgarh and Goa.
Discuss three factors that determine the outcomes of politics of social divisions.
Mention different aspects of life in which women are discriminated or disadvantaged in India.
What are the various challenges faced by political parties?
What are the conditions under which democracies accommodate social diversities?
Features of a democracy.
Social divisions based on _________ are peculiar to India.
Studies on political and social inequalities in democracy show that
A. democracy and development go together.
B. inequalities exist in democracies .
C. inequalities do not exist under dictatorship.
D. dictatorship is better than democracy.
In dealing with social divisions which one of the following statements is NOT correct about democracy?
(a) Due to political competition in a democracy, social divisions get reflected in politics.
(b) In a democracy it is possible for communities to voice their grievances in a peaceful manner.
(c) Democracy is the best way to accommodate social diversity.
(d) Democracy always leads to disintegration of society on the basis of social divisions.
Consider the following three statements.
A. Social divisions take place when social differences overlap.
B. It is possible that a person can have multiple identities.
C. Social divisions exist in only big countries like India.
Which of the statements is/are correct?
(a) A, B and C (b) A and B (c) B and C (d) Only C
What is the main difference between a federal form of government and a unitary one? Explain with an example.
Discuss three factors that determine the outcomes of politics of social divisions.
Mention any two constitutional provisions that make India a secular state.
The distinguishing feature of a federal government is:
(a) National government gives some powers to the provincial governments.
(b) Power is distributed among the legislature, executive and judiciary.
(c) Elected officials exercise supreme power in the government.
(d) Governmental power is divided between different levels of government.
Here are three reactions to the language policy followed in India. Give an argument and an example to support any of these positions.
Sangeeta: The policy of accommodation has strengthened national unity.
Arman: Language-based States have divided us by making everyone conscious of their language.
Harish: This policy has only helped to consolidate the dominance of English over all other languages.
When does a social difference become a social division?