Class 10 Social Science - Democratic Politics - Chapter Democracy and Diversity NCERT Solutions | How do social divisions affect politics?

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Social Science - Democratic Politics - Chapter Democracy and Diversity. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 3: how do social divisions affect politics give two....
Question 3

How do social divisions affect politics? Give two examples.


Social divisions affect politics in the way given below:

Social divisions leading to violence and disintegration becomes political divisions. Democracy involves competition among different political parties. Their competition divides society on the basis of existing social divisions. In such situation social divisions become political divisions, thus leading to violence and the disintegration of the country. For example, in Northern Ireland, Roman Catholics (44 percent) demand that It should be unified with the Republic of Ireland, a catholic country. The Protestants (53 percent) and their party wants to stay with the UK which is predominantly protestant. This led to violence and conflict. It was only in 1998 that the UK government and the Nationalists (Catholics)signed a peace treaty and the armed struggle ended. However, in Yugoslavia, political competition among religious and ethnic lines led to  it's disintegration into six independent countries. Effect of social divisions on elections: Social divisions are shown in politics. In a democracy ,political parties make promises to different communities and try to readress their grievances of the downside communities. Social divisions affect voting during elections. Candidates are selected on the basis of social divisions to gain maximum voters. A Muslim or Hindu both fights election in a Muslim or Hindu dominated constituency. Parties try to attract voters on the basis of social divisions. For example, the Bahujan Samaj Party seeks the votes of Dalits in India. 


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