Suppose you want to dry your school uniform quickly. Would spreading it near an anghiti or heater help? If yes, how?
Yes, we spread it near an heater because near the heater it get hot and the water present in clothes, quickly get converted into the vapours and the clothes will dry soon. As the temperature increases, the process of evaporation will become faster.
How are clouds formed?
Take out a cooled bottle of water from refrigerator and keep it on a table. After some time you notice a puddle of water around it. Why?
Which of the following statements are “true” ?
(a) Water vapour is present in air only during the monsoon. ( )
(b) Water evaporates into air from oceans, rivers and lakes but not from the soil.( )
(c) The process of water changing into its vapour, is called evaporation.( )
(d) The evaporation of water takes place only in sunlight.( )
(e) Water vapour condenses to form tiny droplets of water in the upper layers of air where it is cooler.( )
To clean their spectacles, people often breathe out on glasses to make them wet. Explain why the glasses become wet.
When does a drought occur?
State for each of the following whether it is due to evaporation or condensation:
(a) Water drops appear on the outer surface of a glass containing cold water.
(b) Steam rising from wet clothes while they are ironed.
(c) Fog appearing on a cold winter morning.
(d) Blackboard dries up after wiping it.
(e) Steam rising from a hot girdle when water is sprinkled on it.
Fill up the blanks in the following:
(a) The process of changing of water into its vapour is called _________________.
(b) The process of changing water vapour into water is called _________________.
(c) No rainfall for a year or more may lead to _________________ in that region.
(d) Excessive rains may cause _________________.
(a) Which kind of garbage is not converted into compost by the redworms?
(b) Have you seen any other organism besides redworms, in your pit? If yes, try to find out their names. Draw pictures of these.
Rearrange the boxes given below to make a sentence that helps us understand opaque objects.
To walk through a waterlogged area, you usually shorten the length of your dress by folding it. Can this change be reversed?
Do you find that all living beings need the same kind of food?
Name the major nutrients in our food.
Classify the following fibres as natural or synthetic:
nylon, wool, cotton, silk, polyester, jute
Name five objects which can be made from wood.
Why do we need to separate different components of a mixture? Give two examples.
Correct the following statements and rewrite them in your notebook.
(a) Stem absorbs water and minerals from the soil.
(b) Leaves hold the plant upright.
(c) Roots conduct water to the leaves.
(d) The number of petals and sepals in a flower is always equal.
(e) If the sepals of a flower are joined together, its petals are also joined together.
(f) If the petals of a flower are joined together, then the pistil is joined to the petal.
Fill in the blanks:
(a) Joints of the bones help in the ——————— of the body.
(b) A combination of bones and cartilages forms the _______ of the body.
(c) The bones at the elbow are joined by a ______________________ joint.
(d) The contraction of the _____________ pulls the bones during movement.
True or false?
(a) A mixture of milk and water can be separated by filtration.
(b) A mixture of powdered salt and sugar can be separated by the process of winnowing. (c) Separation of sugar from tea can be done with filtration.
(d) Grain and husk can be separated with the process of decantation.
Rearrange the boxes given below to make a sentence that helps us understand opaque objects.
Which of the following plants have you seen? of those that you have seen, which one have flowers?
Grass, maize, wheat, chilli, tomato, tulsi, pipal, shisham, banyan, mango, jamun, guava, pomegranate, papaya, banana, lemon, sugarcane, potato, groundnut
Match the objects given below with the materials from which they could be made. Remember, an object could be made from more than one material and a
given material could be used for making many objects.
Objects Materials
Book Glass
Tumbler Wood
Chair Paper
Toy Leather
Shoes Plastics
List five activities that are possible due to the presence of air.
Explain, why speed is important for survival in the grasslands for animals that live there. (Hint: There are few trees or places for animals to hide in grasslands habitats.)
You are given an iron strip. How will you make it into a magnet?
Tick (√) the statements that are correct.
(a) By eating rice alone, we can fulfill nutritional requirement of our body. ( )
(b) Deficiency diseases can be prevented by eating a balanced diet. ( )
(c) Balanced diet for the body should contain a variety of food items. ( )
(d) Meat alone is sufficient to provide all nutrients to the body. ( )
Draw (a) a leaf, (b) a taproot and (c) a flower, you have studied for Table 7.3.
List all items known to you that float on water. Check and see if they will float on an oil or kerosene.