Class 8 Science - Chapter Synthetic Fibres and Plastics NCERT Solutions | ‘Avoid plastics as far as possible

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 8th Science - Chapter Synthetic Fibres and Plastics. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise ".$ex_no." , Question 12: lsquo avoid plastics as far as possible rsquo c....
Question 12

‘Avoid plastics as far as possible’. Comment on this advice.


Plastics are non- degradable substance. Plastic cannot be decomposed by micro- organisms. On burning, plastics cannot burnt fully and also releases harmful and poisonous gases or chemicals in the environment. Plastic bags are thrown into the garbage. Sometimes animals like cow, dog, swallow; plastic polythene which choke their respiratory tract which lead to their death. That is why we should avoid the use of plastics.

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