Class 10 Science - Chapter Sources of Energy NCERT Solutions | What are the limitations of extracting e

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Science - Chapter Sources of Energy. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 6 , Question 6: what are the limitations of extracting energy from....
Question 6

What are the limitations of extracting energy from—

   (a) the wind?          (b) waves?          (c) tides?


(a) limitations of extracting energy from wind is that a windmill requires wind of speed more than 15 km/h to generate electricity. Also, a large number of windmills are required, which covers a huge area.

(b) Strong ocean waves are required in order to extract energy from waves.

(c) Very high tides are required in order to extract energy from tides. Also, occurrence of tides depends on the relative positions of the Sun, moon, and the Earth.


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