Class 10 Science - Chapter Sources of Energy NCERT Solutions | Most of the sources of energy we use rep

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Science - Chapter Sources of Energy. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 6 , Question 3: most of the sources of energy we use represent sto....
Question 3

Most of the sources of energy we use represent stored solar energy. Which of the following is not ultimately derived from the Sun’s energy?

      (a) geothermal energy            (b) wind energy
      (c) nuclear energy                  (d) bio-mass.


C) Nuclear energy is not derived from sun energy.

 Nuclear energy is released during nuclear fission and fusion. In nuclear fission, uranium atoms are bombarded with low-energy neutrons, uranium atoms split into two relatively lighter nuclei. This reaction produces a huge amount of energy. In nuclear fusion reaction, lighter nuclei are fused together to form a relatively heavier nuclei. The energy required to fuse the lighter nuclei is provided by fission reactions. This reaction produces a tremendous amount of energy. These reactions can be carried out in the absence or presence of sunlight. There is no effect of sunlight on these reactions. Hence, nuclear energy is not ultimately derived from the Sun's energy.

Geothermal energy, wind energy, and biomass are all ultimately derived from solar energy.


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