What kind of mirror – concave, convex or plain – would be best suited for use in a solar cooker? Why?
A concave mirror is a converging mirror therefore it would be best suited in a solar cooker because it converges the sunlight in a very small area of the solar cooker and a high temperature is produced in it which is sufficient to cook the food.
Can any source of energy be pollution-free? Why or why not?
What are the limitations of the energy that can be obtained from the oceans?
If you could use any source of energy for heating your food, which one would you use and why?
What is a good source of energy?
On what basis would you classify energy sources as
(a) renewable and non-renewable?
(b) exhaustible and inexhaustible?
Are the options given in (a) and (b) the same?
Which of the following is not an example of a bio-mass energy source?
(a) wood (b) gobar-gas
(c) nuclear energy (d) coal
Hydrogen has been used as a rocket fuel. Would you consider it a cleaner fuel than CNG? Why or why not?
What are the disadvantages of fossil fuels?
Compare and contrast fossil fuels and the Sun as direct sources of energy.
Give the names of two energy sources that you would consider to be exhaustible. Give reasons for your choices.
Did Döbereiner’s triads also exist in the columns of Newlands’ Octaves? Compare and find out.
Why is diffusion insufficient to meet the oxygen requirements of multi-cellular organisms like humans?
What are trophic levels? Give an example of a food chain and state the different trophic levels in it.
What changes can you make in your habits to become more environment-friendly?
What is the difference between a reflex action and walking?
What is the importance of DNA copying in reproduction?
If a trait A exists in 10% of a population of an asexually reproducing species and a trait B exists in 60% of the same population, which trait is likely to have arisen earlier?
Why should a magnesium ribbon be cleared before burning in air?
Define the principal focus of a concave mirror.
You have been provided with three test tubes. One of them contains distilled water and the other two contain an acidic solution and a basic solution, respectively. If you are given only red litmus paper, how will you identify the contents of each test tube?
Explain the following terms with one example each.
(a) Corrosion
(b) Rancidity
What criteria do we use to decide whether something is alive?
List two methods of producing magnetic fields.
Why is variation beneficial to the species but not necessarily for the individual?
Outline a project which aims to find the dominant coat colour in dogs.
What are the changes seen in girls at the time of puberty?
What are the components of the transport system in highly organised plants?
In the electrolytic refining of a metal M, what would you take as the anode, the cathode and the electrolyte?
Under what soil condition do you think a farmer would treat the soil of his fields with quick lime (calcium oxide) or slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) or chalk (calcium carbonate)?
A ray of light travelling in air enters obliquely into water. Does the light ray bend towards the normal or away from the normal? Why?