Class 7 Science Reproduction in Plants: NCERT Solutions for Question 9

This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question NCERT Class 7th Science - Reproduction in Plants | match items in column i with those in column ii Answer from NCERT Class 7th Science, Chapter Reproduction in Plants.
Question 9

Match items in Column I with those in Column II:

Column I                             Column II
(a) Bud                                  (i) Maple
(b) Eyes                                (ii) Spirogyra
(c) Fragmentation                 (iii) Yeast
(d) Wings                              (iv) Bread mould
(e) Spores                             (v) Potato
                                              (vi) Rose


Here are the correct matches; 

Column I                             Column II
(a) Bud                                  (iii) Yeast
(b) Eyes                                (v) Potato
(c) Fragmentation                 (ii) Spirogyra
(d) Wings                              (i) Maple
(e) Spores                             (iv) Bread mould

Budding is a process of asexual reproduction in which bud is arise from the parent body and when it mature, it get detached from the parent body and makes a new individual. Eyes (as bud) potato's vegetative part that also shows budding process. fragmentation is the asexual mode of reproduction. spirogyra is an algae which shows reproduction through this fragmentation method. Maple have seeds which have wings, which is very light weighted so that pollination is being easy or the transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma is easy. Bread mould is the most common fungi, found in tropical and sub- tropical regions. Spores are asexual reproductive bodies, are light in weight and covered by hard protective covering which protects them from unfavourable condition like high temperature and low humidity.  

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