Class 10 Science - Chapter Our Environment NCERT Solutions | How can you help in reducing the problem

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Science - Chapter Our Environment. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 3 , Question 2: how can you help in reducing the problem of waste....
Question 2

How can you help in reducing the problem of waste disposal? Give any two methods.


Waste disposal problems can be reduced. Two methods are following:-

  1. When we buy plastic bottle of water or plastic glasses, single use plastic or any disposable items, they pollute the environment because they are non- biodegradable. So, by minimizing their use, we should promote the use of recycling items which will be beneficial for the ecosystem.

  2.  We should use jute bags instead of polythene when we go for shopping or for purchasing anything. It can help in reducing the waste disposal, and will reduce the pollution ultimately.

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