Class 8 Science - Chapter Light NCERT Solutions | Mention against each of the following wh

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 8th Science - Chapter Light. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 3: mention against each of the following whether regu....
Question 3

Mention against each of the following whether regular or diffused reflection will take place when a beam of light strikes. Justify your answer in each case.
(a) Polished wooden table (b) Chalk powder
(c) Cardboard surface        (d) Marble floor with water spread over it
(e) Mirror                            (f) Piece of paper

  1. Polished wooden table: Regular reflection will take place because rays of light reflected from the polished wooden table (smooth surface) are parallel.
  2. Chalk powder: Diffused reflection will take place because rays of light reflected from the chalk powder are not parallel due to its round surface.
  3. Cardboard surface: Diffused reflection will take place because rays of light reflected from the cardboard surface; are not parallel due to its rough surface.
  4. Marble floor with water spread over it: Regular reflection will take place because rays of reflect light reflected from the marble surface/ floor spreads on it. Smooth surface are parallel.
  5. Mirror: Regular reflection will take place because rays reflected from the mirror are parallel.
  6. Piece of paper: Diffused reflection will take place because rays of reflection from the piece of paper will not parallel due to its rough surface.

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