Class 10 Science - Chapter How do Organism Reproduce? NCERT Solutions | Why does menstruation occur?

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Science - Chapter How do Organism Reproduce?. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 4 , Question 6: why does menstruation occur....
Question 6

Why does menstruation occur?


Menstruation occurs at the time of puberty in females. Menstruation occurs to prevent the pregnancy phase. It releases the tissues which supports the foetus to grow during the pregnancy. Menstruation is the bleeding phase, where an egg released by female does not get fertilized or attached to the uterine wall then uterine lining dies due to deficiency of hormone (progesterone), and the lining of fallopian tube breaks down and then the blood oozes out from the ruptured vessels through the vaginal opening.


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