Why are human beings who look so different from each other in terms of size, colour and looks said to belong to the same species?
All human beings look very different from each other in size, colour and looks but belongs to the same species because they can breed with each other and have common ancestors and contains the same DNA sequences of purine and pyrimidine (adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, uracil) they are different in size, looks and colour because of the variation in the expression of genes or traits.
Outline a project which aims to find the dominant coat colour in dogs.
How is the sex of the child determined in human beings?
A man with blood group A marries a woman with blood group O and their daughter has blood group O. Is this information enough to tell you which of the traits – blood group A or O – is dominant? Why or why not?
How do Mendel’s experiments show that traits are inherited independently?
If a trait A exists in 10% of a population of an asexually reproducing species and a trait B exists in 60% of the same population, which trait is likely to have arisen earlier?
Explain how sexual reproduction gives rise to more viable variations than asexual reproduction. How does this affect the evolution of those organisms that reproduce sexually?
Explain the terms analogous and homologous organs with examples.
How do Mendel’s experiments show that traits may be dominant or recessive?
How does the creation of variations in a species promote survival?
Will geographical isolation be a major factor in the speciation of an organism that reproduces asexually? Why or why not?
Did Döbereiner’s triads also exist in the columns of Newlands’ Octaves? Compare and find out.
What is a good source of energy?
Why is diffusion insufficient to meet the oxygen requirements of multi-cellular organisms like humans?
What are trophic levels? Give an example of a food chain and state the different trophic levels in it.
What changes can you make in your habits to become more environment-friendly?
What is the difference between a reflex action and walking?
What is the importance of DNA copying in reproduction?
Why should a magnesium ribbon be cleared before burning in air?
Define the principal focus of a concave mirror.
You have been provided with three test tubes. One of them contains distilled water and the other two contain an acidic solution and a basic solution, respectively. If you are given only red litmus paper, how will you identify the contents of each test tube?
What is meant by power of accommodation of the eye?
How does a solenoid behave like a magnet? Can you determine the north and south poles of a current–carrying solenoid with the help of a bar magnet? Explain.
What are the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration? Name some organisms that use the anaerobic mode of respiration.
Draw a schematic diagram of a circuit consisting of a battery of three cells of 2 V each, a 5 Ω resistor, an 8 Ω resistor, and a 12 Ω resistor, and a plug key, all connected in series.
What are the different ways in which glucose is oxidised to provide energy in various organisms?
Compare and contrast fossil fuels and the Sun as direct sources of energy.
Draw a labelled diagram of an electric motor. Explain its principle and working. What is the function of a split ring in an electric motor?
In Activity 13.7, how do we think the displacement of rod AB will be affected if (i) current in rod AB is increased; (ii) a stronger horse-shoe magnet is used; and (iii) length of the rod AB is increased?
Give any two ways in which non-biodegradable substances would affect the environment.
What changes can you make in your habits to become more environment-friendly?