Class 6 Science - Chapter Garbage In, Garbage Out NCERT Solutions | (a) What do you do with the left over fo

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Science - Chapter Garbage In, Garbage Out. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 3: a what do you do with the left over food at home....
Question 3

(a) What do you do with the left over food at home?
(b) If you and your friends are given the choice of eating in a plastic plate or a banana leaf platter at a party, which one would you prefer and why?

  1. If the food is left after eating then it must be use again or if it is left then we give it to someone else. I never throw the food in garbage.
  2. I would prefer banana leaf platter at the party because it decompose easily in the environment whereas plastic is a non- biodegradable substance which cannot be decomposed by microorganisms. It accumulates in the environment. So, as far as possible we should avoid plastic material.

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