Class 6 Science - Chapter Fibre to Fabric NCERT Solutions | Classify the following fibres as natural

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Science - Chapter Fibre to Fabric. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 1: classify the following fibres as natural or synthe....
Question 1

Classify the following fibres as natural or synthetic:
nylon, wool, cotton, silk, polyester, jute


Natural fibres: Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute.

  Wool: We obtain wool from sheep and other animals. A fibre that is obtained from the animals are called natural fibres.                                                              Cotton: We obtain cotton from the cotton plants. Cotton is a soft fibre that grows in a ball. As we obtain it from the plants; is a natural fibre.                        Silk: We obtain silk from the silkworm. The best silk is obtained from the cocoon. So we can say that it is a natural fibre.                                                    Jute: Jute is obtained from the stem of the jute plant. That is why it is also a natural fibre.

Synthetic fibres: Nylon, Polyester

Nylon: It is man- made fibre. It is a thermoplastic silky material generally used for making rope and thread.                                                                    Polyester: It is the derived form of coal, petroleum and water that’s why it is called synthetic fibre.   

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