Make sketches of the two stages in the life history of the silk moth which are directly related to the production of silk.
The two stages in the life history of the silk moth are: Caterpillar and Cocoon.
1. Caterpillar: Bombyx mori, the domestic silk moth which helps in making warm clothes, is an insect from the moth family Bombycidae. The silkworm is the larva or caterpillar of a silk moth which is developed by the eggs that lays by female silkmoth. Silkworm is reared at the commercial level for obtaining silk. Silkworm feeds on mulberry leaves.
2. Cocoon: When the caterpillar is ready to enter the next stage of its life history called pupa. firstly it weaves the net to hold itself. during this, the caterpillar secretes a fibre that is made up of proteins which hardens on the exposure of air and becomes silk fibre. Soon the caterpillar completely coveres itself by silk fibre by making it and turns into the pupa. This covering is known as cocoon. The further development of pupa into moth continues inside the cocoon.
The silf yarn (thread) is obtained from the cocoon of the silkmoth.
Given below is a crossword puzzle based on this lesson. Use hints to fill in the blank spaces with letters that complete the words.
Down Across
(D) 1 : Thorough washing (A) 1 : Keeps warm
2 : Animal fibre 2 : Its leaves are eaten by silkworms
3 : Long thread like structure 3 : Hatches from egg of moth
Match the words of Column I with those given in Column II:
Column I Column II
1. Scouring (a) Yields silk fibres
2. Mulberry leaves (b) Wool yielding animal
3. Yak (c) Food of silk worm
4. Cocoon (d) Reeling
(e) Cleaning sheared skin
What is meant by the following terms?
(i) Rearing (ii) Shearing (iii) Sericulture
The silkworm is: (a) a caterpillar, (b) a larva. Choose the correct option.
(i) a (ii) b (iii) both a and b (iv) neither a nor b.
Which of the following does not yield wool?
(i) Yak (ii) Camel (iii) Goat (iv) Woolly dog
Out of the following, which are the two terms related to silk production? Sericulture, floriculture, moriculture, apiculture and silviculture.
(i) Silk production involves cultivation of mulberry leaves and rearing silkworms.
(ii) Scientific name of mulberry is Morus alba.
Given below is a sequence of steps in the processing of wool. Which are the missing steps? Add them.
Shearing, __________, sorting, __________, __________, _________.
You must be familiar with the following nursery rhymes:
(i) ‘Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool.’
(ii) ‘Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow.’
Answer the following:
(a) Which parts of the black sheep have wool?
(b) What is meant by the white fleece of the lamb?
State similarities and differences between the laboratory thermometer and the clinical thermometer.
State differences between acids and bases.
Classify the changes involved in the following processes as physical or chemical changes:
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Dissolving sugar in water
(c) Burning of coal
(d) Melting of wax
(e) Beating aluminium to make aluminium foil
(f ) Digestion of food
Name the elements that determine the weather of a place.
Fill the missing word in the blank spaces in the following statements:
(a) Wind is——————air.
(b) Winds are generated due to —————— heating on the earth.
(c) Near the earth’s surface __________air rises up whereas ___________ air comes down.
(d) Air moves from a region of ——— pressure to a region of ———.
In addition to the rock particles, the soil contains
(i) air and water
(ii) water and plants
(iii) minerals, organic matter, air and water
(iv) water, air and plants
Why does an athlete breathe faster and deeper than usual after finishing the race?
Match structures given in Column I with functions given in Column II.
Column I Column II
(i) Stomata (a) Absorption of water
(ii) Xylem (b) Transpiration
(iii) Root hairs (c) Transport of food
(iv) Phloem (d) Transport of water
(e) Synthesis of carbohydrates
Fill in the blanks:
(a) Production of new individuals from the vegetative part of parent is called_____________.
(b) A flower may have either male or female reproductive parts. Such a flower is called_____________.
(c) The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same or of another flower of the same kind is known as _____________.
(d) The fusion of male and female gametes is termed as _____________.
(e) Seed dispersal takes place by means of _____________, _____________ and _____________.
Classify the following as motion along a straight line, circular or oscillatory motion:
(i) Motion of your hands while running.
(ii) Motion of a horse pulling a cart on a straight road.
(iii) Motion of a child in a merry-go-round.
(iv) Motion of a child on a see-saw.
(v) Motion of the hammer of an electric bell.
(vi) Motion of a train on a straight bridge.
Which features adapt polar bears to live in extremely cold climate?
(i) A white fur, fat below skin, keen sense of smell.
(ii) Thin skin, large eyes, a white fur.
(iii) A long tail, strong claws, white large paws.
(iv) White body, paws for swimming, gills for respiration.
When are the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to occur during the day?
Take three test-tubes. Fill æth of each with water. Label them A, B and C. Keep a snail in test-tube A, a water plant in test-tube B and in C, keep snail and plant both. Which test-tube would have the highest concentration of CO2?
Sketch the cross section of soil and label the various layers.
State differences between acids and bases.
List the similarities and differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Describe the function of the heart.
Does transpiration serve any useful function in the plants? Explain.
A carnivore with stripes on its body moves very fast while catching its prey. It is likely to be found in
(i) polar regions (ii) deserts
(iii) oceans (iv) tropical rainforests
Here is a crossword puzzle: Good luck!
3. Liquid waste products
4. Solid waste extracted in sewage treatment
6. A word related to hygiene
8. Waste matter discharged from human body
1. Used water
2. A pipe carrying sewage
5. Micro-organisms which causes cholera
7. A chemical to disinfect water