Class 7 Science - Chapter Electric Current and Its Effects NCERT Solutions | Name any two effects of electric current

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7th Science - Chapter Electric Current and Its Effects. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 5: name any two effects of electric current....
Question 5

Name any two effects of electric current.


The two main effects of electric current are as follows:

1. Heating effect of electric current: It may be defined as the electric current passes through the wire, it gets hot; it is known as the heating effect of the electric current. For example: heater, geezer, hair dryer etc.

2. Magnetic effect of electric current: It is also called as electromagnetic effect. When electric current is passed through a conducting wire then the magnetic field generate around it. It is called as the magnetic effect of the electric current. For example: Electric bell, electric motor, electric fan etc.


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