Explain how fertilisers are different from manure.
Fertilisers |
Manure |
A fertilizer is an inorganic salt which is made by chemicals. |
Manure is a natural substance obtained by the decomposition of the animal waste like cattle dung, human excreta and plant residues. |
A fertilizer is prepared in factories. |
Manure can be prepared in fields. |
A fertilizer does not provide any humus to the soil. |
Manure provides a lot of humus to the soil. |
Fertilizers are nutrients specific. |
Manure is not nutrients specific. |
Fertilizers are easy to store and transport. |
Manure is hard to store and transport. |
Excess use of fertilizers can make the soil acidic or basic. |
Excess use of manure does not make the soil acidic or basic. |
Arrange the following boxes in proper order to make a flow chart of sugarcane crop production.
Complete the following word puzzle with the help of clues given below.
1. Providing water to the crops.
2. Keeping crop grains for a long time under proper conditions.
5. Certain plants of the same kind grown on a large scale.
3. A machine used for cutting the matured crop.
4. A rabi crop that is also one of the pulses.
6. A process of separating the grain from chaff.
Write a paragraph in your own words on each of the following.
(a) Preparation of soil (b) Sowing
(c) Weeding (d) Threshing
If wheat is sown in the kharif season, what would happen? Discuss.
Match items in column A with those in column B.
(i) Kharif crops (a) Food for cattle
(ii) Rabi crops (b) Urea and super phosphate
(iii) Chemical fertilisers (c) Animal excreta, cow dung urine and plant waste
(iv) Organic manure (d) Wheat, gram, pea
(e) Paddy and maize
Give two examples of each.
(a) Kharif crop
(b) Rabi crop
Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of crops in a field.
What is irrigation? Describe two methods of irrigation which conserve water.
What are weeds? How can we control them?
Select the correct word from the following list and fill in the blanks.
float, water, crop, nutrients, preparation
(a) The same kind of plants grown and cultivated on a large scale at a place is called _____________.
(b) The first step before growing crops is _____________ of the soil.
(c) Damaged seeds would _____________ on top of water.
(d) For growing a crop, sufficient sunlight and _____________ and _____________ from the soil are essential.
Which of the following can be beaten into thin sheets?
(a) Zinc (b) Phosphorus (c) Sulphur (d) Oxygen
Fill in the blanks
(a) Most liquids that conduct electricity are solutions of , ______________ and ______________.
(b) The passage of an electric current through a solution causes ______________ effects.
(c) If you pass current through copper sulphate solution, copper gets deposited on the plate connected to the terminal of the battery.
(d) The process of depositing a layer ofany desired metal on another material by means of electricity is called .
Give two examples each of situations in which you push or pull to change the state of motion of objects.
Fill in the blanks:
(a) Friction opposes the _____________ between the surfaces in contact with each other.
(b) Friction depends on the _____________ of surfaces. (c) Friction produces __________.
(d) Sprinkling of powder on the carrom board ________ friction.
(e) Sliding friction is ___________ than the static friction.
List conditions under which combustion can take place.
Indicate whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
(a) Unicellular organisms have one-celled body. (T/F)
(b) Muscle cells are branched. (T/F)
(c) The basic living unit of an organism is an organ. (T/F)
(d) Amoeba has irregular shape. (T/F)
Which of the following cannot be charged easily by friction?
(a) A plastic scale
(b) A copper rod
(c) An inflated balloon
(d) A woollen cloth.
Fill in the blanks:
(a) A place where animals are protected in their natural habitat is called .
(b) Species found only in a particular area is known as .
(c) Migratory birds fly to far away places because of changes.
Suppose you are in a dark room. Can you see objects in the room? Can you see objects outside the room. Explain.
What are the different ways in which water gets contaminated ?
When the free ends of a tester are dipped into a solution, the magnetic needle shows deflection. Can you explain the reason?
What is menstruation? Explain.
Explain the differences between pure air and polluted air.
Fill in the blanks:
(a) Burning of wood and coal causes of air.
(b) A liquid fuel, used in homes is .
(c) Fuel must be heated to its before it starts burning.
(d) Fire produced by oil cannot be controlled by .
Word game : Use the clues to work out the words.
3. Protruding voice box in boys
4. Glands without ducts
7. Endocrine gland attached to brain
8. Secretion of endocrine glands
9. Pancreatic hormone
10. Female hormone
1. Male hormone
2. Secretes thyroxine
3. Another term for teenage
5. Hormone reaches here through blood stream
6. Voice box
7. Term for changes at adolescence
Define asexual reproduction. Describe two methods of asexual reproduction in animals.
Is it safe for the electrician to carry out electrical repairs outdoors during heavy downpour? Explain.
Explain how you can take care of your eyes.
Give examples to show that friction is both a friend and a foe.
Name two objects other than planets which are members of the solar system.