Class 10 Science - Chapter Control and Coordination NCERT Solutions | Draw the structure of a neuron and expla

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Science - Chapter Control and Coordination. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 0 , Question 45: draw the structure of a neuron and explain its fun....
Question 45

Draw the structure of a neuron and explain its function.


The nervous system consists of two types of cells:- Neurons and Neuroglia. Neurons are the basic structural and functional unit of the nervous system. They respond to the specific physical or chemical stimuli and conduct nerve impulses and release neurotransmitters. Whereas neuroglial cells are the glial cells which support, nourish and protect the neurons.

Neurons possess the ability to respond to a stimulus and convert it into the action potential. An action potential is an electrical signal that travels along the plasma membrane of a neuron and these nerve impulses travel at the speed ranging from 0.5 to 130 meters per second. On the basis of structure and functions neurons are classified into various types.


Structural:- Multipolar contains many dendrites and one axon; Bipolar contains dendrite and axon with a cell body; Unipolar possess extension of cell body which divides into two branches.

Functional:- afferent or sensory neurons carry nerve impulses from peripheral sensory receptors to the CNS; efferent or motor neurons transmit nerve impulses from the CNS to effector organs; and Interneurons are located within the CNS in which they form connection between afferent or efferent neuron.

Neurons are consisted of cell body, dendrites, axon, myelin sheath and their functions are as follows:-

1. Cell body:- also known as perikaryon and contains a nucleus which is surrounded by cytoplasm. cytoplasm contains cell organelles like lysosome, mitochondria etc. it contains free ribosomes and the cell body in the peripheral nervous system usually occurs in the cluster form known as Nissl bodies.

2. Dendrites:- Dendrites are the receiving or input portion of the neurons. They are short, hair- like or tightly branched.

3. Axon:- it is a long, thin, cylindrical projection which joins the cell body to the cone shaped structure called axon hillock. Axon propagates nerve impulses towards other neurons and then muscles or gland cells.

4. Myelin sheath:- axons are covered by a protective myelin sheath and this sheath is interrupted by gaps called Nodes of Ranvier. Myelin sheath serves as an excellent insulator.


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