1. Match items in List A with their meanings in List B.
fainted: lost consciousness
A. B
(i) wounded. got up from sleep
(ii) awoke. give back
(iii) forgive. small patches ofground for plants
(iv) faithful. severely injured
(v) pity. pardon
(vi) beds. loyal
(vii) return. feel sorry for
Use any three of the above words in sentences of your own. You may change the form of the word.
A. B
i) wounded. severely injured
(ii) awoke. got up from sleep
(iii) forgive. pardon
(iv) faithful. loyal
(v) pity. feel sorry for
(vi) beds. small patches of ground for plants
(vii) return. give back
Words in sentence:
(i) I took pity on a wounded bird.
(ii) The dog is a faithful animal.
(iii) Please plant the saplings in the beds.
What were the hermit’s answers to the three questions? Write each answer separately. Which answer do you like most, and why?
How did the king and the hermit help the wounded man?
Why did the king want to know answers to three questions?
(i) Who was the bearded man?
(ii) Why did he ask for the king’s forgiveness?
Imagine you are the king. Narrate the incident of your meeting the hermit. Begin like this: The wise men answered my questions, but I was not satisfied with their answers. One day I decided to go and meet the hermit...
Why was the king advised to go to magicians?
Each of the following sentences has two blanks. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the word given in brackets.
He has to help me. Do you think
he will remember his ? (promise)
He has promised to help me. Do you think he will remember his promise?
(i) The said that only fresh evidence would make him change his .(judge)
(ii) I didn’t notice any serious of opinion among the debaters, although they from one another over small points. (differ)
(iii) It’s a fairly simple question to ,but will you accept my as final? (answer)
(iv) It isn’t that should always be the mother of invention. (necessary)
(v) Hermits are men. How they acquire their no one can tell. (wise)
(vi) The committee has to make Jagdish captain of the team. The is likely to please everyone. (decide)
(vii) Asking for is as noble as willingness to . (forgive)
Imagine you are the hermit. Write briefly the incident of your meeting the king. Begin like this: One day I was digging in my garden. A man in ordinary clothes came to see me. I knew it was the king...
Complete the following sentences by adding the appropriate parts of the sentences given in the box.
1. Many wise men answered the king’s questions,
2. Someone suggested that there should be a council of wise men
3. Someone else suggested that the king should have a timetable
4. The king requested the hermit
5. The king washed and dressed the bearded man’s wound,
• but the bleeding would not stop.
• to answer three questions.
• but their answers were so varied that the king was not satisfied.
• and follow it strictly.
• to help the king act at the right time.
Messengers were sent throughout the kingdom
(i) to fetch wise men.
(ii) to find answers to the questions.
(iii) to look for the wise hermit.
(iv) to announce a reward for those who could answer the questions.
Mark your choice.
What did Nishad give Mr Nath? Why?
What is the secret that Meena shares with Mridu inthe backyard
What was the author’s opinion about Mr Gessler as a bootmaker?
Why did the king want no more talk about the hilsa-fish?
Why did the neighbours kill the dog?
What is “strange” about Mr Nath’s Sundays?
How does Ravi get milk for the kitten?
Why did the author visit the shop so infrequently?
What did the king ask Gopal to do to prove that he was clever?
Mark the right item.
(i) The old farmer and his wife loved the dog
(a) because it helped them in their day-to-day work.
(b) as if it was their own baby.
(c) as they were kind to all living beings.
(ii) When the old couple became rich, they
(a) gave the dog better food.
(b) invited their greedy neighbours to a feast.
(c) lived comfortably and were generous towards their poor neighbours.
(iii) The greedy couple borrowed the mill and the mortar to make
(a) rice pastry and bean sauce.
(b) magic ash to win rewards.
(c) a pile of gold.
(i) After a very long spell of heat, the weather is at last. (ii) We have no right to people who do small jobs.
(iii) Nitin has always his uncle, who is a self-made man.
(iv) The police are the matter thoroughly.
(v) If you want to go out, I will the children for you.
(vi) I promise to on your brother when I visit Lucknow next.
(vi) when you are crossing the main road.
What did Nishad give Mr Nath? Why?
Walking towards the kitchen with Mridu and Meena, Rukku Manni began to laugh. What made her laugh?
What did the dog do to lead the farmer to the hidden gold?
Now let us look at the uses of the word break. Match the word with its meanings below. Try to find at least three other ways in which to use the word.
(i) The storm broke – could not speak; was too sad to speak
(ii) daybreak – this kind of weather ended
(iii) His voice is beginning – it began or burst to break into activity
(iv) Her voice broke and – the beginning of daylight she cried
(v) The heat wave broke – changing as he grows up
(vi) broke the bad news – end it by making the workers submit
(vii) break a strike – gently told someone the bad news
(viii) (Find your own expression. Give its meaning here.)
Do you think Mr Gessler was a failure as a bootmaker or as a competitive businessman?
The words helper, companion, partner and accomplice have very similar meanings, but each word is typically used in certain phrases. Can you fill in the blanks below with the most commonly used words? A dictionary may help you.
(i) business
(ii) my on the journey
(iii) I’m mother’s little .
(iv) a faithful such as a dog
(v) the thief’s
(vi) find a good
(vii) tennis/ golf / bridge
(viii) his in his criminal activities
Look at the picture.Ajit: I have decided to go abroad for higher studies.Anisa: Have you? I dont think I ll ever do that. I love my country.Let pairs of students talk to each other about leaving thecountry. One student repeats Ajit’s statement. The other
gives a reason for not agreeing with Ajit. The sentenceopenings given below should be used.
Describe the music teacher, as seen from the window.
In each of the following words ‘ch’ represents the sameconsonant sound as in ‘chair’. The words on the left havethis sound initially. Those on the right have it finally.Speak each word clearly.choose. benchchild marchcheese. peachchair wretchcharming. researchUnderline the letters representing this sound in each ofthe following words.