Class 7 English - Honeycomb - Chapter Quality NCERT Solutions | Speak to five adults in your neighbourho

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7th English - Honeycomb - Chapter Quality. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 3 , Question 4: speak to five adults in your neighbourhood ask th....
Question 4

Speak to five adults in your neighbourhood. Ask them the following questions (in any language they are comfortable in). Then come back and share your findings with the class.
(i) Do they buy their provisions packed in plastic packets at a big store, or loose, from a smaller store near their house?
(ii) Where do they buy their footwear? Do they buy branded footwear, or footwear made locally? What reasons do they have for their preference?
(iii) Do they buy ready-made clothes, or buy cloth and get their clothes stitched by a tailor? Which do they think is better?


(i) They buy their provisions packed loose from a smaller store near their house.

(ii) Where do they buy their foorwear? Do they buy branded footwear, or footwear made locally? What reasons do they have for their preference?

(iii) They buy footwear made locally. They prefer the local ones because the branded ones are too expensive and they don't like to spend too much on regular footwear.

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