Class 7 English - Honeycomb - Chapter Quality NCERT Solutions | Notice the way Mr Gessler speaks English

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7th English - Honeycomb - Chapter Quality. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 3 , Question 3: notice the way mr gessler speaks english his engl....
Question 3

Notice the way Mr Gessler speaks English. His Englishis influenced by his mother tongue. He speaks Englishwith an accent.• When Mr Gessler speaks, p,t,k, sound like b,d,g. Canyou say these words as Mr Gessler would say them?It comes and never stops. Does it bother me? Not atall. Ask my brother, please.


- Mr. Gessler used to speak English with a German accent. His English sounded funny and a bit difficult to understand.

- Mr. Gessler would have spoken these lines as. Id comes and never sdobs. Does Id bodder me? Nod ad all. Ask my brother please.

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