Class 7 English - Honeycomb - Chapter Quality NCERT Solutions | In each of the following words ‘ch

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7th English - Honeycomb - Chapter Quality. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 2 , Question 4: in each of the following words lsquo ch rsquo re....
Question 4

In each of the following words ‘ch’ represents the sameconsonant sound as in ‘chair’. The words on the left havethis sound initially. Those on the right have it finally.Speak each word clearly.choose. benchchild marchcheese. peachchair wretchcharming. researchUnderline the letters representing this sound in each ofthe following words.


(i) feature. (ii) archery (iii) picture(iv) reaching.
(v) nature. (vi) matches (vii) riches. (viii) batch.
(ix) church

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