What do M. and Mme Loisel do next?
When M. and mme loisel came home they realized that the necklace was not on the place. They freaked out and tried finding out where she could have lost it. They concluded that it could have been dropped in the cab because if they dropped it on the streets they must have heard the sound of fall but they did not know the cab’s number. Therefore, loisel dressed himself up again and went over the track where they had walked but he did not find anything. They went to the police and the cab offices. He even put an advertisement in the newspapers with offering a reward. He then asked Matilda to write a letter to mme forestier by telling her that she had broken the clasp of the necklace and would get it repaired. This gave them time to find the missing necklace. However, they eventually decided to replace the necklace with a new one.
What was the cause of Matilda’s ruin? How could she have avoided it?
The course of the Loisels’ life changed due to the necklace. Comment.
If you were caught in a situation like this, how would you have dealt with it?
How do they replace the necklace?
What would have happened to Matilda if she had confessed to her friend that she had lost her necklace?
What kind of a person is her husband?
What fresh problem now disturbs Mme Loisel?
What kind of a person is Mme Loisel — why is she always unhappy?
How is the problem solved?
Why is Mrs Pumphrey worried about Tricki?
How is Ausable different from other secret agents?
What does Horace Danby like to collect?
How did the invisible man first become visible?
How did a book become a turning point in Richard Ebright’s life?
Why is the lawyer sent to New Mullion? What does he first think about the place?
Why is Bholi’s father worried about her?
Why was the twentieth century called the ‘Era of the Book’?
Who does ‘I’ refer to in this story?
What does she do to help him? Is she wise in this?
How has Max got in?
What does he get from Anil in return for his work?
What does he say about the different reactions of people when they are robbed?
Why is Mrs Pumphrey worried about Tricki?
Did you begin to suspect, before the end of the story, that the lady was not the person Horace Danby took her to be? If so, at what point did you realise this, and how?
Who does ‘I’ refer to in this story?
What kind of a person do you think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon, is? Would you say he is tactful as well as full of commonsense?
Why are books referred to as a man’s best companion? Which is your favourite book and why? Write a paragraph about that book.
How does the thief think Anil will react to the theft?
What is he “a fairly successful hand” at?