Class 10 English - Footprints Without Feet - Chapter The Making of a Scientist NCERT Solutions | You must have read about cells and DNA i

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 10th English - Footprints Without Feet - Chapter The Making of a Scientist. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 3 , Question 2: you must have read about cells and dna in your sci....
Question 2

You must have read about cells and DNA in your science books. Discuss Richard Ebright’s work in the light of what you have studied. If you get an opportunity to work like Richard Ebright on projects and experiments, which field would you like to work on and why?


We know that by the process of gradual and continuous (successive) changes, living organism have evolved. After variable experiments, scientists have established that genes are known as the segments of DNA. These DNA segments carries the genetic information from generation to generation. Richard ebright worked on these basis. He raised group of butterflies and raised the eggs of female monarch. He studied the various stages like one after other of female monarch. He further studied the cause of a viral disease that killed approx all monarch caterpillars. Next, he tried to find similarities between viceroy butterflies and monarch ones. Study of the insect’s hormone further give a new theory on the life of cells and found the hormones behind butterfly’s full development. Thus, all these experiments led him to form a theory that cells grew from a monarch’s wings. The cell would divide and grow in a normal butterfly by the gradual changes.

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