Class 10 English - Footprints Without Feet - Chapter The Hack Driver NCERT Solutions | What more does Bill say about Lutkins an

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 10th English - Footprints Without Feet - Chapter The Hack Driver. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 2 , Question 1: what more does bill say about lutkins and his fami....
Question 1

What more does Bill say about Lutkins and his family?


Bill told the lawyer that he knew Lutkin's mother. He said that she was a terror. He told an incident where he took a trunk to her once and she almost took his skin off because he did not treat this like a box of eggs. He told that she was approx nine feet tall and four feet thick. She was very quick as a cat and talks a lot. He said that oliver must have heard that somebody was chasing him consequently and would have gone into hiding at his mother’s place.

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