Class 10 English - First Flight - Chapter The Proposal NCERT Solutions | This play has been translated into Engli

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 10th English - First Flight - Chapter The Proposal. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 2 , Question 1: this play has been translated into english from th....
Question 1

This play has been translated into English from the Russian original. Are there any expressions or ways of speaking that strike you as more Russian than English? For example, would an adult man be addressed by an older man as my darling or my treasure in an English play?

Read through the play carefully, and find expressions that you think are not used in contemporary English, and contrast these with idiomatic modern English expressions that also occur in the play.


 In contemporary English the following expressions are not used- my angel, my beloved, my beauty (Such expressions used for an adult man) and ‘all that sort of thing’ (not explained what it is just left  it as it is) and ‘how may you be getting on’? reported speech


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