Class 7 English - An Alien Hand - Chapter The Desert NCERT Solutions | 1. From the first paragraph (i) pick ou

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7th English - An Alien Hand - Chapter The Desert. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 1: 1 from the first paragraph i pick out two phra....
Question 1

1. From the first paragraph
(i) pick out two phrases which describe the desert as most people believe it is;
(ii) pick out two phrases which describe the desert as specialists see it. Which do you think is          an apt description, and why?


(i) (a) an endless stretch of sand where no rainfalls.
    (b) dry, hot, waterless and without shelter.

(ii) (a) a beautiful place.
     (b) home of a variety of people, animals and plants.

Description by specialists is more apt which is based on their studies.

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